
Victor Maziarchuk
Head of the Office
Received a master’s degree in “International Economic Relations” in Lviv Commercial Academy. Also studied Leadership and Management at J.F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University and Leadership in Public Finance at the Kyiv School of Economics.
Victor has experience in commercial organizations in sphere of investment consulting and project management. From 2010 he worked in public service and worked as Advisor to the Minister of Economy of Ukraine, Deputy Director of Finance of the Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine, and Deputy Director – Head of Project Administration Agency of the Department of National Projects of Ukraine. Since 2013 was director of the Department of Economic Analysis at the International Centre for Policy Studies (ICPS). In 2014 he became the chief expert of the “Public Finance” group at Reanimation Package of Reforms (RPR).

Lisovol Yevgen
Legal expert
In 2015, Yevgen graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (with honors). He has graduated from the National University of Defense of Ukraine, specializing in military psychology.
During his studies at the magistracy he held internships in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. In 2015, he graduated from the Master’s program “European Parliament Law” at the Institute of Legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
He has experience in commercial financial consulting and civil service.

Vladyslava Volkova
Communication manager
Graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Received a Master’s degree in the field of “Administrative Law”. Theme of master’s work: “Municipal law as a component of administrative law”. Has work experience as the assistant of deputy in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Had internships at the law firm and in the project funded by the United States.
Foreign languages: English, Russian, German
Anna Kornyliuk
Senior Economic Analyst
Anna Kornyliuk, PhD in Finance
Has MA in Finance and English Language and Literature. In 2011 obtained her PhD degree in Finance at National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman. Author and coauthor of “Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Scientific Research in R”, “Financial Modelling” and “Financial Activities of Enterprises” courses. Works as Researcher at the Institute for Economics and Forecasting (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine). Anna Kornyliuk was a participant of various workshops and trainings organised by European Central Bank, National Bank of Ukraine, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. Participant of international scientific conferences in Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Poland. Has an experience of working in different educational projects with Peace Corps (USA) and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Germany), Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (Germany). Fields of scientific interests: corporate finance, quantitative methods in finance.

Mykola Kravchenko
Economic Analyst
In 2011 obtained a master’s degree (with distinction) in “Finance and credit” at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Since 2011, Ph.D student at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Economics. During his postgraduate studies taught courses: “Public Finance” and “Monetary systems of foreign countries”, participated in numerous conferences, became the author of more than 20 scientific publications. In 2015 obtained a Ph.D degree in Economics (specialty 08.00.08 – Money, Finances and Credit). The theme of the dissertation research “Public finances of Ukraine in the conditions of the global economic crisis”. At the same time worked in the field of real estate at TMM Company. In 2014-2017 worked at the International Institute of Finance. In 2017-2018 successfully completed an internship at the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, Main Department for introduction of Reforms. During the department meeting presented own research: “Needs and ways of realization of the most important state investment projects for the short-term perspective”.
Foreign languages: English, Russian
Kateryna Melnyk
Economic Analyst
Kateryna Melnyk, PhD in Economics, senior lecturer of corporate finances and controlling department at SHEE “Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University”. In 2006, she graduated from Kryvy Rih National University and received a master’s degree in finances with honors. In 2011, she got a post-graduate degree in specialization “Money, finances and the credit”. The title of dissertation research is “The investment activity of enterprises and its financing”. During the educational activity she was a lecturer of such courses: “Financial management”, “Financial analysis of enterprises”, “Budget system”, “Public finances” and “Tax system”. She has an experience in commercial organizations in the sphere of investment consulting and project management. She participated in different international conferences, workshops and trainings. She is the author of more than 40 scientific and educational works.
Foreign languages: English, Russian
Maryna Stadnyk
Senior Economic Analyst
In 2013 Maryna received a master’s degree in “Tax consulting” in National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine (diploma with honors). In 2015 she took further training in external relations in Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine Ministry of foreign affairs of Ukraine. Maryna worked as a Researcher in Research Institute of Fiscal Policy. She participated in the writing of research works and analytical reports, ordered by State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. Also beginning from 2017 Maryna is freelance expert, author of analytical materials in the electronic edition “IFRS Bulletin” (LIGA:ZAKON).
Foreign languages: English, Russian
Liubov Kozoriz
Economic Analyst
Liubov is PhD in Economics, Senior Researcher at the Center for Scientific Financial and Economic Expertise of the State Educational and Scientific Institution “Academy of Financial Management”. In 2010, she graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Finance and International trade by specialty Accounting and Audit (diploma with honors). Immediately after graduating from the university, she entered the post-graduate course of the Academy of Financial Management “Money, Finance and Credit”. In 2016, Liubov defended a thesis “Enterprise Profit Tax in the System of Medium-Term Budget Planning” in the chosen specialty. Participated in scientific conferences, seminars and trainings, including international projects TAIEX, GIZ, BAM. She is the author of more than 20 scientific articles, abstracts. Liubov has experience of writing research papers on public finance, in particular, regarding the forecasting of budget revenues, improvement of taxation system, etc.
Foreign languages: English, Russian
Oleh Ivanov
Senior Economiс Analyst
Graduated from the Lviv Academy of Commerce in specialty “International Economic Relations”, qualification “Economist with knowledge of a foreign language”. Has working experience in the public sector, think tanks and research organizations, and the civil service. In particular, worked in the analytical center “Institute of Reforms” as a researcher at Department of Macroeconomic Forecasting and Research of the Shadow Economy; and as a Researcher at Analytical and Information Department in the National Institute for Strategic Studies. Also worked as Senior Consultant at the Department of Analysis and Rapid Response in the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine.
Foreign languages: English, Russian
Olga Voloshyna
Economic Analyst
In 2005, Olga graduated from Donetsk Law Institute of MIA Donetsk National University, receiving a degree with honors. In 2015 graduated from the State Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. Recieved master’s degree in State management in the sphere of national security. Since 2007 had been working in the civil service in the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, the State Tax Administration of Ukraine, State Emergency Service of Ukraine (Ministry of Emergencies of Ukraine).
Foreign languages: English, Russian
Alla Ivashchenko
Senior Economiс Analyst
Graduated with honours from Donetsk State University of Management (Master of Finance). In 2011 the degree of PhD (in Economics) was received. From 2011 to 2014 I had been working as Associate Professor of Finance Department at Donetsk State University of Management, since 2014 I have been working as Associate Professor of Corporate Finance and Controlling Department at State University “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Hetman”, combining the position of Deputy head of Corporate Finance and Controlling Department on Science at State University “Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadim Hetman” since 2016. Developer of innovative courses “Financial Management of Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SME`s)” and “State at Financial Market”. Participant of various international conferences and workshops, trainings organised and funded by Jean Monnet Fund, EU4ВUSINESS, European Investment Bank, British Council Ukraine. The author of more than 65 scientific and educational publications and papers.
Foreign languages: English, Russian
Bohdan Bykon
In 2015, Bohdan received a Master’s degree in “Finance and Banking” at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Starting from 2015, he has worked as a freelance graphic designer, collaborated with NGOs, business incubators and analytical centers and also created illustrations and provided branding services to commercial organizations. Bohdan previously participated in several international seminars and workshops and had an experience of being organizational assistant (graphic and designing part) in several trainings as a part of Erasmus+ program.
Foreign languages: English, Russian
Maksym Usar
Economic Analyst
Graduated from the Academy of Municipal Administration, in specialty “Manager of Foreign Economic Relations”, qualification “Manager-economist”. Has experience in finance and energy sectors in Ukraine and Moldova.
Foreign languages: English, Russian